Reign Of Blood

Reign Of Blood News Blog

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A Jam Packed Few Weeks Ahead

Posted on 18-Mar-2020

Unless you've been living under a rock, there's a virus going around. Over the next few weeks a lot of people will be either self isolating or under lockdown as the government's do their thing. It's important to keep up to date with what's going on with the world, but also important to not get completely lost in it. So, to keep the vampires of the Dead City busy, we're going to have a jam-packed few weeks.

Spring - Chat Trivia

Visit game chat on Saturday 21st March at 3pm (game time) for a Spring themed chat trivia. Lot's of prizes up for grabs for the top vampire. Don't worry if you forget, you'll be reminded in-game on Saturday when the time approaches.

Biggest Easter Event Ever

We're going to go all out on Easter with a huge Easter hunt event and more to keep you busy busy busy.

Game Bonuses & More

They'll be random dates that'll give everyone free bonuses, like extra turns, coven exp, blood and more.

A Blood Thirst

Towards the end of April, after the Easter event is over, we'll hold another Blood Thirst.

Enjoy, and wash your hands.

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