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AP Rage May 2020

Posted on 16-May-2020

For those who have been paying attention to the jam-packed May Calendar, you'd have noticed an AP rage coming up. That time has come! Starting Monday May 18th the 8-day AP rage will be active. During the AP rage, you can spend AP to increase your stats but get free battle boosts along the way. Visit the AP Shack (via Dead City, or mobile home) for more details and to spend your AP when the time comes.

Remember, May 18th, 19th, and the final day 25th will be RAHP (everyone revives at half past) too. Giving you even more chances to get some juicy kills with these rage boosts. For those of you who go really crazy, I have added a quick "The Big One" option that gives you unlimited everything with a Turn injection.

Also a note to covens, remember that next week's free bonus is double QP from Brawls (Week May 18-24).

And of course there is are delicious AP and Plasma filled special packs available for your indulgence, which is available now.

Click here to check out the special packs >>>


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