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Black Friday 7 Day Special

Posted on 21-Nov-2018

It's that time of year again when people go mad buying everything with a SALE sticker on it. I am not one to be slapping sale stickers on things, but I will however be running that popular 7 day special that I tested in July - people seemed to really like it.

Starting Thursday November 22nd, the first pack will be open to purchase. Then a new pack each day for the 7 days after. If you go all-out and purchase each of the packs you'll get a free delicious bundle back with a collectible at the end.

When the packs are ready, you'll see them at the top left above your statistics bar. Or you can go direct here.

There's been over 25 small updates and fixes made to the game throughout November, and there's still plenty more to come. And it's also good to see so many people having fun with new custom emotes.

Also, happy Thanksgiving! thanksgiving2018


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