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Blood Thirst & Coven Hall Discussion

Posted on 20-Nov-2017

Image Upload Issues

Firstly I want to apologise for the image upload issues we're having at the moment. The server guys are trying to figure out the issues and when I have a fix, I'll make a post on the game updates page. It does work on some browsers, so if you're having a problem, try and use a different browser for now.

Thanksgiving Blood Thirst

It is time for another Blood Thirst, and we're going to have a Thanksgiving themed! The event will take place on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th. Make sure your enter before Thursday 23rd, click here to visit the Blood Thirst page.

Coven Hall Of Fame Discussion

The Coven Hall Of Fame was created as a little vanity reward for getting into the coven brawl system. I later made the credits to purchase a spot on the hall of fame universal across all the coven conflict systems. We have now reached the current limit and have a perfect 8x8 square full of covens.

I have a couple ideas of what I'd like to do with this, but I thought I'd do something a little different and get the input from all of you, especially those are into the coven conflicts, to pitch ideas on how we should handle this moving forward. I have created a forum thread to start the discussions, as well as putting forward my thoughts on this little project. Click here to check it out and have your say.


As previously stated, thank you for your patience as well move in-game to HTTPS to secure the game even more. Also remember that the Narrator profile contest will be open for entries until next week.


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