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Blood Thirst & Plasma Scratchers

Posted on 24-Jun-2019

Blood Thirst 17

It's time for a summer Blood Thirst! You have until the end of Friday 28th June to join, the teams will be assembled on Saturday 29th June and the Blood Thirst will be active on Sunday 30th June and Monday 1st July.

A few changes have been made, like altering the Vigor hour boost tasks to be more in-line with the recent changes to Brawls. Also, a confirmation page as well as increased requirements to join and get rewards have been implemented. All and any double bonuses are suppressed during the Blood Thirst, although you can still use Trik's Potions to increase your battle rewards.

Click here to enter Blood Thirst >>>

Plasma Scratchers

For quite a while now we had a Plasma Spins option at the Plasma Shop. Where people can hope and pray for a better deal than playing it safe and trading direct. Today, Plasma Spins is being rebranded as the Plasma Scratcher. And there's a special pack available for a limited time to get a bunch of scratch credits. Each pack gives you the option to gift a free scratches to someone else! Perhaps a loved one?

Check out the Plasma Scratcher >>>

Get your Plasma Scratcher pack >>>

A free Plasma scratch will be given to all vampires who qualify for prizes on the Blood Thirst.


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