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Brawl Hall Of Fame Slots Now Open

Posted on 18-Sep-2021

Last month I introduced the new coven Hall Of Fame, with the first few weeks focusing on the coven wars. For those who have frequented the Hall Of Fame will notice you'd notice 3 in total. The first one - which we've been used during the last few weeks - lets coven earn spots based on their war score. The second one - which is being released today - is based on Brawls.

Just like with the war hall of fame, each Sunday you can choose a slot to claim or challenge. You then either have to beat the predetermined score (which will only be in place until it fills) or beat the Brawl score of the coven you are challenging.

Covens will be able to begin going for slots starting at midnight tonight when the game time ticks over to Sunday 19th September.

Click here to check out the Hall Of Fame >>>


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