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Coming Soon: The Spirits Underneath

Posted on 14-Oct-2019

In the year 1700, a 7-year long battle took place that will forever be remembered in the history of the Dead City. A battle, like none seen before, caused the Peninsula to descend into chaos. An army was led against the fiend who had overstepped their mark, were smug in their quest for technology, but ultimately couldn’t repel the pure force of the vampire-kind. While the vampires were victorious, and endless stories of triumph to prove as such, mistakes were made.

For now, the consequences and carelessness of the aftermath has led to a present day problem.

There are not many still alive to tell the tale, and even fewer knew where some of the bodies were discarded. However, even mortal souls who died long ago can cling onto our reality, and those souls appear to want to cause havoc in their revenge.

Coming soon.

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