Reign Of Blood News BlogFor all major news announcements for the online vampire game, Reign Of Blood.Coven Hall Of Fame Now "Coven Battlegrounds"Posted on 28-Nov-2021The Coven Hall Of Fame will now be known as "Coven Battlegrounds", and today, some more changes have been made. Thank you for all your feedback so far. I'm excited to announce these tweaks to the new Coven Battlegrounds: Quarterly ResetStarting January 1st 2022, the war and brawl battlegrounds will reset every quarter (3 months). Upon the reset, the first 5 slots will be reserved for covens with less than 10 members when the slots are empty. This will still give plenty of time for covens who have earned their space to enjoy it, but also shake it up a few times a year to get things moving again. New Missions10 Alpha Battleground missions have been added and are available to complete today. What's even better, is all previous Alpha Battleground takeovers have been counted! Enjoy, Ash |