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Coven Relic Updates

Posted on 05-Jan-2019

The Coven Power relic continues to be one of the favourite coven features. I recently fixed a bug that wasn't taking back some of the relics to the guardian after your allotted time and it has caused some confusion, so I am going to make some further changes and clear the issue up today, along with some other tweaks.

The 4 coven power relics, Ultimate, Coven, Blood & Turn stay with a coven until someone else takes it from you. However, the War & Brawl coven power relics will return to the guardian after your coven has had them for (the now increased time of) 3 hours. The 4 main relics can be stolen after a coven has had control of one for 12 hours. The War & Brawl can be stolen after 30 minutes.

Some other changes:

- Covens can now guess again after just 1 hour from their last phase 1 guess, instead of waiting 2 hours.
- Instead of saying "about 1 hour" when waiting to do phase 1, it now gives a more exact time estimate in minutes.
- Hour count now displays showing how long a coven has had a coven power relic for.
- The relic code on the player battle screen now stands out more.
- New coven news when a power relic is released.
- Coven theft news notification now specifies which power relic it was.

The coven power relic guide has been updated to reflect these changes.


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