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Cyber Monday Special

Posted on 02-Dec-2019

Thanksgiving and Black Friday is over for another year. The last celebration of the holiday trio is Cyber Monday. As Reign Of Blood is an online game, celebrating Cyber Monday just makes the most sense! To celebrate this special day, I have created a delightful Cyber Monday pack which will be available for the 24 hour duration of Monday 2nd December only. Here's what you get in the pack:

+ 24 Hours Double Turns
+ 24 Hours Double Blood
+ 10 QP
+ 1 Plasma Scratcher
+ 1 Potion Credit
+ 1 Teal Vial
+ 1 Mortal Ash

You might be thinking to yourself as you search through your wallet for loose change, how much this is going to cost you?

You can have this pack for the astonishing price of... nothing. Help yourself, it's free.

This pack has expired.

Also keep in mind it appears that all-out war will happen on Tuesday 3rd. Use this free pack to your advantage.


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