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External RED Gifting System

Posted on 04-Dec-2018

The holidays are coming, and I've been asked over the year about ways to be gifted RED (and other packs) from people who don't play the game (pesky parents, and the like). It's easy to gift any pack to another players, you simply change the ID it's going to on the basket page and Bob's your uncle. However, it is tricky to get people to buy you packs for Birthdays or Christmas when the buyer does not play. So today, I am introducing a way to do exactly that.

I have created a new external page where you can enter the ID of a vampire on the game and purchase them any amount of RED which they can redeem for any packs on the game store.

Click here to check it out >>>

You'll find a link to this page on the external homepage, and on the in-game store with your unique link.


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