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Giant Coven Auto Donate Match Day

Posted on 03-Apr-2023

On Tuesday 4th April, we're going to kick off a week of fun with the giant COVEN AUTO-DONATE MATCH day! All the money auto-donated to your coven using the auto-donate feature will be MATCHED by the Dead City Bank.

To show you how it'll work, i'll pick the top vampire on the online list, Zin Acwellan (79044). You lost the fight against Zin Acwellan. Oh... okay, I lost. Let's try someone else. Let's try Hellish D'Inferno™ (740872). This vampire was defeated about 5-6 minutes ago, their protection is still active. You know what, I'm just going to go to the weaker vampire list. Gabriel D. Miller (639122) is up top.

+$1170. My auto-donate is set to 10% which resulted in: Auto-Donate: $117 automatically donated to your coven.

During Tuesday 4th April, in this scenario I will donate the $117 and Dead City Bank will match it giving my coven a total of $234.

This level of generosity from the Dead City Bank is unprecedented.


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