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Gravemarket V2 (beta)

Posted on 18-Apr-2022

The Dead City Bank today has aggressively expanded! Floyd has decided to branch into offering investing products for vampires to park some of their hard-earned cash. Many years ago (2009 to be exact), the Dead City was home to a stock market which was later closed down in 2019. That's because the reliability of the markets made the feature not viable. Now, Floyd has taken it upon himself to create an alternative with the backing of the Dead City's largest financial institution, The Dead City Bank.

Purchase short-term stock holdings in one or more of the available options. Each of the options tracks at least two game functions to determine the price of those shares, and those prices are updated at midnight each night. What game functions the prices are based on is a deep dark secret, and each uses multiple sources to make guessing them difficult. For example, one of the share options could be tied to the amount of PvP wins in the game overall that day. Of course, something that obvious would be able to be figured out and manipulated, as you'd see price spikes on days where there are more wins, like on coven war days.

What's also different now is each holding you buy has a time limit of 60 days. This means you can sell them at any point, but on day 60, the price will be held and will not change. This is a workaround for the "sure thing" problem of the old stock market, where you would wait until prices are at the rock bottom, and then just wait it out until they hit their highs.

To start you can only hold up to 100 shares in each option, and just one option will be available in this first public beta phase. This won't be a huge money maker (now, or maybe ever), but it'll add an extra feature for people to profit and gloat about.

You can also "short" stocks by betting that they'll go down, and profit off the loss. That way you can play the Gravemarket betting it will go up or going down. That way, everyone's a winner (or loser)!

This is a new concept idea, and will be tweaked and expanded depending on how things go. It's super interesting to see price fluctuation based on what happens around the game and the ability to profit off it. What happens in an economic crisis? Raging inflation? If only Floyd had these answers!

The Dead City bank has also gone under renovations and has a fresh new look.


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