Reign Of Blood News BlogFor all major news, updates and announcements for the online vampire game, Reign Of Blood.Halloween Blood Thirst 2020Posted on 19-Oct-2020The Halloween Blood Thirst event is nearly here. And for this event, we're doing things a little different. While I, and many others, enjoyed the longer form Blood Thirst previously, the problem came when the scores were displayed which killed the morale for the rest of the event. So, this Blood Thirst event is going to be different. It will take place over 5 days, and the scoring categories will remain the same (Wins, Blood, Vigor). However, they'll be counted as 5 separate days, with 5 separate sets of place standings over the 5 day event. Each day, each team will earn the scores as if it was a full Blood Thirst event. Then those scores will be totaled at the end of the event and ranked accordingly. For example, as you can see from the score table your team usually earns 5 points for having the most PvP wins. In this event, that score can be earned for each of the 5 days. This goes for all the scoring categories. So for PvP: if over the 5 day event your team places 1st (5 points), 3rd (3 points), 2nd (4 points), 5th (1 point) and then 4th (2 points) each day for PvP wins, that would earn your team 15 score at the end. Each category will be scored in this way. The team with the most points overall, will win Blood Thirst. It's going to be up to you and your team to decide the best way to spread your Turns over the 5 days, which days and which categories to focus on. There are so many angles here to consider to score the most possible over the 5 days. It'll be fun to see what strategies people come up with. Make sure you join before the end of Wednesday October 21st (game time). The Blood Thirst will take place over the 5 days starting on Friday October 23rd and ending on Tuesday October 27th. Click here to enter Blood Thirst >>> Enjoy, Ash |