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July Calendar + Week Long BT

Posted on 30-Jun-2020

Week-Long Blood Thirst

Starting July 20th, we're going to have a Mega Blood Thirst that lasts a full week. My knees are trembling just thinking about it. This blood thirst event will last the entire week coupled with every other day being RAHP for all. It's going to be a week-long bloodbath, and it will be a good way to showcase your stamina. You'll be able to enter this blood thirst later in the month, which will be announced on the game updates page.

July Calendar

Some people were worried their lives would become empty with another calendar to follow. Lucky for you, I have decided to do one more. When July begins, you'll be able to check out the calendar using the link below. This is also where you'll collect your end of month bonus for the June quest month.
Click here to view July's calendar >>>


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