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New Blood Thirst Event

Posted on 16-Jul-2017

RP Updates

Over the last couple weeks I've made an array of new features incorporating RP into the game. If you're not caught up, click here to read part 1, and click here to read part 2. The whole team is busy creating new content and getting more stuff up and running and hopefully you'll start to see even more soon.

The New Blood Thirst

It is time for another Blood Thirst event. And this time, it's all new. It's recoded from the ground up for a smoother process of setting it up, sorting out the teams, and calculating the results. What you will notice, is bringing some flavour of the Coven Brawls into the Blood Thirst event. You'll notice that there is a new 'Vigor' category. Vigor is the combination of your PvP finishes, as well as hourly bonuses. This is addition to the regular PvP wins & PvP/NPC blood categories. The whole thing has also been given an updated look so its more clear and compact.

Some people still enter on auto-pilot without getting the required 50 PvP wins today to enter. Now, the link as been changed to say "Click Here To Check Eligibility & Enter" (which hopefully triggers some further curiosity) and a big red notice comes up if you don't have your 50 wins and you're not entered.


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