Reign Of Blood News BlogFor all major news, updates and announcements for the online vampire game, Reign Of Blood.New Competitive Coven Hall Of Fame (Beta)Posted on 21-Aug-2021The old coven Hall Of Fame was previously just a vanity spot on a board that was earned by completing some of the coven conflicts. My vision for the Hall Of Fame was always more, and today, that vision will begin to come to light. The old vanity Hall Of Fame has gone, but I didn't want to just remove it without rewarding those covens who have enjoyed their time on it, so for each entry your coven had, you've given given a free relic. You'll also be placed on the permanent hall of fame archive accessible through the new hall of fame page. The new Hall Of Fame currently consists of 20 slots that can be challenged each week. To start with, they'll obviously be empty. You can claim a slot and hit the War Score requirement to take that spot. All challenges must be declared on Sunday for the following week. If challenging a slot that another coven owns, you must earn more War Score than them the next week to take over the spot. If you have one of your slot challenged, all you have to do is earn more War Score than the attacker to keep your slot. All challenges and outcomes will be broadcasted in the new global feed feature. To start with, for each slot your coven controls (subject to reduction as more slots open up), your coven will receive: We'll let this run its course over the next few weeks, and after tweaks have been made with real world data, they'll be a Brawl hall of fame as well! You can check out the dedicated forum thread here for feedback and questions. In other news, we're looking for some more people to add to our RPCM team. Click here to view the forum thread with more information. Enjoy, Ash |