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New Objectives Tab

Posted on 04-Dec-2019

The most common feedback I get from new players after they complete the tutorial is "what do I do now"?

In my attempt to solve this issue, I have created a new OBJECTIVES page which tries to bring everything together in one place from a very accessible location. Links to your dailies, achievements, to other Portal locations are scattered all over the place, and I want to bring it all together in a place that is just a click away.

I want to try and remove having multiple links to the same place where possible, but of course I do respect the muscle memory of current players and I tread lightly when I do. This change not only brings everything together, but it merges the to-do list into it also, cutting down on another place to have to look. It gets a slot on the navigation with an obvious name so it's clear and concise.

As you can see, the OBJECTIVES tab is where the news tab used to be on the top navigation on the default layout.

To get to your news (when you don't have a notification) click the static "News" link on the top bar.

As I continue to try and streamline the game's navigational flow and making the new game more clear to new players, older players can change it back, but the default and supported layout going forward is this new one. If you use RoB-Lite v2, you don't need to do anything, the new tab has room to fit on there as is.


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