Reign Of Blood

Reign Of Blood News Blog

For all major news, updates and announcements for the online vampire game, Reign Of Blood.

New Reign Of Blood News Blog Location

Posted on 24-Mar-2017

Greetings, vampires!

As you can see, the game news blog has moved and given a new look. For a long time I've used Google's Blogger system, but I think it's time we grow up and use our own. The main reasons I've decided to code and host my blog for the Reign Of Blood game news announcements are:

  • Total flexibility over the content

  • Easier to share over social media

  • Fully mobile friendly

  • The ability to leave comments using your Reign Of Blood account

  • Search engines love dynamic content so it'll improve our rankings

  • Never have to leave the domain

  • So all future game news announcements will direct you here in the /news folder of the domain. You can easily leave a comment below using your Reign Of Blood account if you're logged in, something that the Blogger system really lacked.

    I hope you like it!

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