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New Subs And End Of Month Quest Token Bonus

Posted on 31-Jul-2022

New Subscription Offerings

We have more monthly subscribers than ever as people enjoy the convenience and monthly reward bonuses that go along with them. Following the success of the Premium Calendar pack, I have now made that process much easier by adding a new subscription pack for it. Alongside that, there are two new subscription packs as well. One is just for Premium Calendar, one is for VIP, VIP+ and Premium Calendar, and finally the VIP Mega pack with Premium Calendar bundled as well. This allows you to be able to set VIP, VIP+ and Premium Calendar on autopilot nice and easy. I have also updated the subscription page with an all new look that lists all the available packs and clearly shows what you receive in each one in a list view.

Click here to see the new subscription packs >>

Remember, if you want to move to another subscription pack, just send me a BL and I'll walk you through the process.

New Monthly Quest Token Bonus

Who doesn't love extra free stuff? For a while now, we've had two quests that further the reward the Quest Tokens you earn. The Daily, and The Weekly. Now, I've added a new extra monthly bonus called, wait for it... The Monthly.

The end of the month bonus is based on the 9 primary quests and the 3-Mini's. The QT those quests earned gets logged, and you can claim the bonus at any time during the month. Once the month ends, it resets. Make sure you claim before the month ends!


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