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November Crazy Conflict Month + Coven Surge

Posted on 30-Oct-2023

November on Reign Of Blood is going to be Crazy Conflict month! Throughout the month select coven conflicts will yield double rewards for covens and the vampires who take part. We'll also be starting the month with another Coven Surge.

Coven Surge

Coven Surge is returning for a second run in November! The 48-hour conflict will take place on the 4th and 5th November. Here's the changes that will take place after the first beta run:

- Category 3 hour bonus categories expanded
- Surge minute category will be randomised each hour between categories 2, 3 and 4
- Minimum requirement for rewards is now 500 PvP wins total
- Rewards expanded beyond the top 10 covens. Rewards are now available for all covens as long as they ranked in the top 10 of category in at least one of the hours.
- Slightly increased coven exp rewards for the top 10 covens
- Increased the QP and cash personal rewards for categories 3 and 4
- Various bug fixes and layout tweaks

Coven Conflict Schedule

Here's the schedule and boosts available through November for the Reign Of Blood coven conflicts.

Sat 04 Nov - Sun 05 Nov - Coven Surge
Mon 06 Nov - Sun 12 Nov - Double War Rewards
Mon 13 Nov - Sun 19 Nov - Double Raid Rewards
Mon 20 Nov - Sun 26 Nov - Double Brawl Rewards
Mon 27 Nov - Tue 28 Nov - Double Treaty Rewards

And Happy Halloween! Promo code: halloween23


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