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Referral And Link Changes

Posted on 04-Apr-2017

I sure you hope you enjoyed the April Fools jokes. Would be sweet if they were both real, right? April Fool's is always so much fun here on RoB, because as I'm in the UK, I'm usually 5-8 hours ahead of most the players. So those online dont always click right away its April 1st because its still March 31st for a good few hours.

Today I have made a few changes to referrals and your links.

Since the birth of Reign Of Blood in 2006, you've had a referral link which gives you a tiny bit of money when you get someone to click it as a small reward for sharing it. This is outdated and has now been removed. The reason is because either a) the money it pays just isn't worth it b) it's better for the game to reward more handsomely for in game milestones of your referrals c) it was only used for abuse.

Your referral link will remain the same ( but now:

  • It links to a secure HTTPS page, for better security

  • No longer redirects, simply presents the signup on the screen

  • Mentions your name, saying you're inviting this new vampire to join

  • Along with these changes, I have increased the referral reward structure which go into effect right now.

  • 1 QP when your invited vampire hits rank 5.

  • 3 QP when your invited vampire hits rank 20.

  • 2 Plasma, 25 RED & 10 VIP Days when they buy any game pack

  • You can find all your referral information clicking the INVITE link at the top right of your HOME page. A summary is also available at the bottom of your HOME page.

    I have also updated the banners and link pages to include all new sharing options and banners. The general signup page (which includes your referral link page) have been given a new and more enticing look.

    All referrals are routinely checked, anyone caught abusing the system will have their account jailed.

    When logged in, scroll to the bottom of the page to see your personal referral link to start earning free QP.


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