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Reign Of Blood 11th Birthday AP Rage

Posted on 26-Apr-2017

Reign Of Blood Is 11

Last year Reign Of Blood turned 10. 10 years. And I said "Wouldn't another 10 years be magical?", well we're now 10% of the way there celebrating our 11th birthday today. The years are just passing by! As always, a big thank you to everyone who keeps this blood thirsty ship going. Now, let's get some AP flowing!

AP Rage Event Overview

For those who do not know, the AP Rage event is an event usually ran no more than twice a year. The AP Shack opens up at Dead City where you can trade your AP for stats (just like normal) and get extra free boosts in the process. The boosts range from extra blood, coven exp to more stamina and turns. You can head to the AP Shack now via Dead City (or the bottom of the nav page on mobile), but it won't open until the event begins.

Extra Rewards

If the whole game hits the total AP use numbers below, extra rewards will be given out at the end of the event to everyone who took part (and spent at least 25 AP).

10,000 total AP used: 10 QP
25,000 total AP used: 2 Free Potion Credits
50,000 total AP used: Special 7 Day May Event For All
100,000 total AP used: Collectible

VIP/Plasma Special

A delicious special is of course available full of Plasma, AP and collectibles. You can check out what the packs have to offer right here. They'll only be available for this event!

The AP Rage event will start on Monday 1st May and end 6th May.


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