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Reign Of Blood Christmas 2022 Event

Posted on 15-Dec-2022

The Reign Of Blood Christmas season continues with our Christmas event! Head over to the Calendar to access these features.

Santa Hat

Grab yourself a new Santa hat and upgrade it by completing your daily quests for extra boosts in your vampire battles.

Snowball Throwing

Vampires seem to enjoy throwing things at each other, and with the weather outside, we might as well make use of some of this snow. Throw snow at other vampires and the counts appear on your profiles.

Secret Santa

The Secret Santa each year is very important. It gives the opportunity for vampires from all walks of life the chance to be gifted with bountiful items. Give generously!

Xmas Tree

Take a look under the tree once a day and you'll be rewarded with a little something.

Sugar & Candy Canes

Collect sugar from your PvP vampire battles as well as looking around in Greenwood. Sugar can be turned into Candy Canes for a sugar high you won't believe!

Gift Yule Never Forget RP

Take part on our Christmas RP contest with QP & more up for grabs.

VIP/Plasma Special

Get some cheap VIP days, Plasma & more (with a couple Candy Canes thrown in) with the Christmas special that'll be active during this event. Click here to check out these special packs.


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