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Revisited: Auction Market (Part 2)

Posted on 10-Aug-2019

Following on from Revisited: Auction Market (Part 1) from last week, we have some more changes to the Auction Market made today.

Auction Market

- The new maximum bid system has been rolled out to all the listing types.
- You can now anonymously post Auctions on the Auction market for Plasma & AP. <
- RED Listings (Buy with AP, Plasma) has been removed due to not being used.
- Because the create new plasma and AP listings are sort of intertwined, ive separated them so when you click the +create listing, you should be only see AP or Plasma options depending on what create listings link you clicked.
- As always fixed a variety of bugs, including the AP for Plasma single listings now always showing correctly.

You can check out the Auction and see the screenshot below to show the Plasma Auction market options in operation. please continue to report bugs on this thread, thank you.


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