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Revisited: Covens Part 1

Posted on 23-Jul-2018

I'd like to start off by thanking all the covens who invited to me to their coven during my coven tour over the last few months. It was a lot of fun and it is quite fascinating how everyone works so differently using the same tools and playing the game in different ways. I have gathered a wealth of feedback on my trip. Some feedback that was told to me, and others that I have noted while watching you all work. Now that my tour is over, I'm ready to get to work on overhauling and updating the covens and the conflicts.

This will be a series of many parts as there is a lot of things to update and change, and I'll be releasing them gradually over the summer so you have time to play, adjust and learn the new features and updates.

In this Part 1, I will be focusing on two areas. Raids and general coven features. The general updates to covens will be listed below, but first a we'll dive into a couple changes being made to raids. As Raids stand, not a whole lot needs doing with them. They work well, people use them and try hard and work together getting them done. I saw that over many covens and it's great to see, so I don't want to go in meddling too much.

One criticism of the Raids is that it's hard for small covens to defend. That may be true, but as I have said in the past, I have several conflicts because of the different types and sizes of covens we have on the game. The raid setup may not suit your coven, but it's up to you if you want to take advantage of the rewards. Raids are an attack based conflict - they can be defended and I give you that option - but they're not really designed to be. I know some people simply can't get past have any sort of attack on them that'll they'll be unable to defend, but that is the nature of the beast. Losses are not counted or displayed anywhere, the focus is on your raids of other covens, and that's where the focus should be.

Conflict: Raid Updates

- Raids now pay out a small amount of coven exp! This is based on how many different players earn raid exp during the raid.
- Fixed glitch where it would sometimes count raid exp for players who just fall out of the active period.
- Defending a raid now yields slightly higher rewards.
- Each player than earns any raid exp during the week will gain +1 QP at the end of the week.

New Coven Virtue

The major highlight here is a new coven ranking system which was suggested by Darion that people have been asking for ever since. At the moment, coven members have a title and a coven rank (0-99) which is set manually, now we have one more automated one that can be earned. It's called Coven Virtue.

A coven can setup up to 20 different Virtues from 15 different tasks where members of the coven can complete in order to move up through the Virtue ranks. Each Virtue rank is completely customisable by the coven. You can change the title and the requirements for that rank. For example:

Virtue 1 (Newbie+)
+ Earn 500 coven exp
+ Donate $500
+ 3 coven forum posts

When a coven member completes the tasks you set out (as I have above) that member gains the rank of NEWBIE+ or whatever title you desire. Then the next level after that you can set to something like:

Virtue 2 (Tamed Wolf)
+ Earn 2000 coven exp
+ Earn 500 war exp this week
+ 1 coven RP forum post
+ 10 total fixed coven quest completions

Players can claim these at any point when they have hit the milestones required. You can head over to the new Virtue page to set it up and have a play for yourselves. Your coven Virtues are displayed on your coven panel, profiles and coven member lists.

General Coven Updates

- - New coven exp this week and last week stat added to coven panel & top member stats.
- - New separate RP coven forum post count.
- - Browse vampire link (including coven browse) added to mobile via Arena.
- - "Place in the top 5 on all-out war day of the week" coven achievement is now "Place in the top 10 of last week's War Of Covens top covens" on list 2 and above.
- - New Battle and Brawl links available. Type "brawl9908" to create a link to brawl ID 9908, type "battle2" to battle ID 2. These can be used in chats and forums.
- - New weaker vampires in coven battle list to go with weaker vampires not in coven battle list.
- - VIP covens can now send mass blood letters to just staff as well as all members.
- - NPC coven exp now counts towards your total coven exp earned stat.
- - When saving your coven announcement, what was there before is saved separately in case you get errors and need to revert back.
- - Coven member list now has stats link which shows some conflict stats for that player.
- - Changed the way you can order your coven forum boards.

Ending Skirmishes & Invasions

I am going to be retiring the conflicts of Skirmishes and Invasions. The last day for these two conflicts will be Sunday 29th July. Starting Monday 30th July, we will do a live beta run of something new that will take their place. The only real one constant over all the covens is how these two conflicts are treated and used, so they will be combined into a new conflict system which will be fully announced just before it begins.

To give feedback or report bugs on this part 1 please use this forum thread.


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