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Revisited: Greenwood

Posted on 14-Dec-2019

Over $532,955,375 has been looted from Greenwood so far, and that number is only going to go up.

Our favourite forest of Greenwood has today been given a few updates. Sadly, shockingly bad weather hasn't let up so I've been unable to capture any new photos at my local Greenwood look-a-like woodland, but I'll go on my photography shoot at some point in the future. I didn't want to delay some changes due to that, so here are the updates that are live from today:

- New tweaked homepage layout with some unique identity added for the location
- Changed the in-Greenwood layout for faster searching
- Increased the value of items and money to loot by up to x10, including ways to enhance return by paying attention
- New 'Item Barter' where you can sell certain groups of items together for up to 30% extra worth
- Critters are now running around Greenwood which you can kill for small amounts of blood
- New Help & Settings page now shows more information, including more about skill, and quick links to settings such as hiding the images
- Direct Greenwood access to Pawn Shop has been added
- 4 new duration quests. Greenwood Journey 1, 2 & 3, and Greenwood Barters.

Phasing Out

As I have announced in other locations, there are some things I intend to change/phase out in the new year.

- Removing the Realex/Global Payments payment option to solely support the more modern and secure STRIPE payment method
- All profiles will be transfered to the v2 (current) profile layout
- Maximum turns you can hold will be reduced from 5000 to 3000.


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