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Revisited: Work Place (RP Character Generator) and Bar Updates

Posted on 06-Mar-2018

Blood Thirst Results

Thanks to everyone who took part in our first naked Blood Thirst event. I hope you enjoyed it. The winners were yellow team. Head to Dead City (or the bottom of the mobile home page) to claim your rewards.

February Spike

Last month was one our most active months in the last year or so. (Maybe it was all the love?) We're seeing a steady increase of players and people logging in (and that's excluding new signups), and I intend to capitalise on this momentum and run some extra ads over the Easter. So you'll be seeing some extra fresh blood come through our doors. So you recruiters should keep an extra eye out!

Bar Changes

Since the bar tweaks last week over $700,000,000 has been spent already. In that recent Bar update the prices were generally lowered by taking out the richest in the game from the calculation. Prices were sitting at around $450k, now they're just under $400k. Today, I'm introducing phase 2 of the bar with an all-new look, flat price for all, and more emphasis on the boosts and bonuses you get from the bar, on top of the stats you buy.

Bar 'Happy Hour'

I've toyed with the idea of Happy hour in the past, but never really been a huge fan of a random discount. In the recent Bar update I wanted to incorporate happy hour some way then, but couldn't nail down on the specifics. I said it wasn't a solution to the bar "problem", but I tested out a system where 'Happy Hour' can be earned, and think it would be pretty cool to have. When you claim 'The Weekly' quest on a Sunday, you get a small discount depending on how many quest tokens you've earned during the week. The discount will be available to you throughout the next day on Monday.

Bar 'Loyalty Pass'

As well as the ability to earn a little discounts on Monday's with Happy Hour. If you're over rank 200, from Tuesday, you can renew your Bar Loyalty pass in order to get better drink rates for the rest of the week. From the price as little as less than a couple drinks, get discounts throughout the week.

As a courtesy, everyone (for this week) is enabled to purchase the pass even if they didn't complete the quests last week. Discounts only apply to drinks you purchase for yourself.

Visit the new Bar >

Revisited: Work Place

The Work Place at Dead City was one of the game's first 2006 features when the game launched. Since then, the feature has faded into the abyss. Even though it does have its uses (for new players stuck at another location and needing travel money to get back to DC for example), it lacked any real soul.

Today, that changes! The RPCM's, after reading feedback on the forums, have gotten their hands on the Work Place and decided to make it a little more fun.

The Dead City Work Place is now the home of an RP character generator. Generate characters and use them to post stories on a dedicated RP forum thread. Get involved sharing your story from the character generator and be rewarded with QP and Vitality. You can re-roll the generator for a total of three tries per day. Your final selection will be saved and posted on the forum thread above your RP entry. You create a short post using your assigned character and mission.

You can generate a character and make a post on the dedicated 'Work Place' RP thread once per day.

Fear not! The Work Place may have changed, but the generator doesn't run on air. They are always looking for willing workers who want to use their turns and earn a little cash. Use one turn at a time and get an increased amount, and a minmum wage of $15 per turn job has been introduced!

Visit the new work place >


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