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Spring Valley Appreciation & Incursion Tweaks

Posted on 25-Jan-2019

Spring Valley Appreciation Weekend

This weekend, I'm giving everyone the opportunity to earn bonuses when hunting in the houses at Spring Valley in a special Spring Valley Appreciation Weekend mini-event. You can get:

+ One off 25 turn payment
+ One off 25 Stamina payment
+ Double Blood from Spring Valley house hunts for the day
+ 3 QP when you complete 'The Hunt' Daily Quest

All you have to do to earn these bonuses for the whole day is post how much you love Spring Valley in this forum thread, and then the above boosts will be open to you. You can do this on Friday 25th, Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th January 2019.

Incursion (Beta) Changes

The frustrations of Incursions is due to decrease with today's changes and fixes. Here's what has been tweaked as Incursions open up again for business for Incursions next week.

- The day can be declared any time until the end of the game day on Tuesday. Coven allies can join the Incursion at any time up to this period too, regardless if the Incursion day has been set
- The winner of the last round has been made more clear
- Added the ability to see your personal Incursion exp earned this round
- Fixed an error where zaps wouldn't always pay Incursion exp
- Fixed error with "This Round Team Exp" displaying the incorrect values on the defending side, which may make it appear you won rounds when you didn't
- Fixed error that made the VIP feature to view all player scores not display players in allied covens
- Fixed error that made token reward go into the negative due to helping coven participation calculation error
- Rewrote some of the stats text to make what's being displayed a little more clear
- The conflict box now disappears when the conflict is over rather than hanging on until the end of the day
- Incursions have now been added to the previous coven achievement lists, stats added to coven stats page

Please continue to report errors on this thread if any pop up.


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