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Profile Contest, SSL And Optimising

Posted on 13-Nov-2017

This week I'm taking a deep dive into the code to optimise and secure the game a little more.

x3 Brawls

Firstly, congratulations to all the top covens who took part in last week's brawl and enjoyed the x3 rewards across the board. Click here to view the top covens.

SSL & Optimisation

Google are on a rampage to label sites that do not use SSL as "not secure" across the browser. Although "not secure" isn't the same as "not secured", I am going to do something about it. Currently SSL (https) secures you when you signup and login, so all your data is encrypted. But the in-game pages are not because no sensitive data is being passed around, and in the past SSL encrypted pages took longer to load. Technology has pretty much caught up with those speeds, and now SSL is no longer slower. So over the next week or so I will be going through and SSL-ing up in-game.

At some point during the week I will put up a thread for people to report pages I've missed as they play the game, as I don't want any page left not updated.

I will also be spending this week doing some optimising of the database. There is literally hundreds of GB of data, some of which is old and can be removed outside of the automated processes I have setup. So I am going to going through all that. A lighter database is a faster database!

Profile Contest - THE DRESSING

The profile of THE NARRATOR needs a look and an identity. Earn some Plasma, RED & more by winning and taking part.

Click here to view the forum thread for more information.


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