Reign Of Blood News BlogFor all major news announcements for the online vampire game, Reign Of Blood.The Mass Comma InitiativePosted on 18-Mar-2018Commas Commas CommasCommas have long been the frustration of some players, and I am now going to begin an initiative. As a developer, I rarely use commas. If I want to type a million, i'd just go 1000000. But I know many people try and bank exact numbers using commas 1,000,000 and it of course throwing up an error due to commas not being a valid number input. I have started a new forum thread to gather all the inputs in the game that you want commas to be allowed. I can name the obvious ones, but there might even be some obscure places that even I've forgotten about it. Click here view thread >>> Facebook Login IssuesSome of you were locked out of the game Saturday due to a change Facebook made to the SDK without notice. Long story short, they auto-enabled a "strict" mode on all login apps, and if a URL didn't match the EXACT to the one in the settings, all users would get an error. There was quite an uproar online about and even Facebook suggested a hacky fix until they find out the problem. That's promising! But for now it should work as normal. In future, if you have issues with the Facebook login, you can go to the forget password page, type in your Facebook email and a password will be emailed to you so you can login the normal way. For the trouble, enjoy promo code: fbsucks I will also allow everyone until the end of today (18th March) to spend their gold coins due to this error. Enjoy, Ash |