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Vadenhill Appreciation Weekend

Posted on 31-Jan-2019

This weekend, I'm giving everyone the opportunity to earn bonuses at Vadenhill in a special Vadenhill Appreciation Weekend mini-event. You can get:

+ One off 25 turn payment
+ One off 25 Vadenhill Feed payment
+ Double Juiciness for all new humans harvested
+ 3 QP when you complete 'The Feed' Daily Quest

All you have to do to earn these bonuses is post how much you love Vadenhill in this forum thread.

You can do this each day of the event. Which will be Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd February 2019. Make sure you post before you claiming 'The Feed' daily quest to get your QP for each day you want it. You must make a post each day you want the bonuses, before taking part in the feature.


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