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x2 Work Place QP & Writing Contest

Posted on 28-Jun-2018

The Work Place has been given a bit of love, as well as some other updates and contests for the month of July.

Work Place Updates & Boost

The Dead City Work Place was updated not too long ago to include a character generator (created by the RPCM team) to add some flavour to a relatively mundane, but necessary game feature. Today, I'm making a few changes.

QP Progression
Just like with Pets at Mt. Tilia, you can now more clearly see your QP progression for creating and posting with your generated character.

Double QP For July
For the month of July, your end-of-month QP reward will be doubled! And what's better, if you generate and post at least 15 times throughout July, you'll get a free collectible, too.

Other Changes
I have increased the amount of QP you can earn from playing in the Work Place, and also added Vitality to the rewards pool.

Writing Contest

After a recent meeting with the RPCM team, they've decided to allow players input for certain parts of the game. With the lore being build in the background, there are areas of the game that would benefit from having different points of view, especially as we have many talented people here who'd love to contribute, but don't have the time actually take on the role themselves. If this is a success we may allow the players input for other areas of the game as we continue to build the lore.

To start with, we're running a contest to allow people to write a paragraph or two on their view on how the FOUNTAIN OF AWE came to be. Your words will be credited and used as inspiration in future Lore writings.

To find more information and submission information, please view this forum thread.


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