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Your Reign Of Blood Account Security

Posted on 21-Feb-2023

The amount of people losing access to their accounts has been steadily increasing over the past year. Granted, as we gain more and more players it's bound to happen (that's just statistics) but I thought it was time to make clear our policies and educate everyone on the best way to secure your account.

If for whatever reason you lose access to your account, your first point of call is the Forget Password function. This is an automated service that sends a new password to your email.

#1 Make sure your Reign Of Blood email is up to date and you currently have access to it. You can change your email here.

#2 Setup a backup email. Let us know a second email that you have access to incase you lose access to your primary email. This email can then be used for account recovery (via support). You can submit a backup email here.

#3 Setup a security phrase and reminder. The security phrase is like a backup password. Set one up with a reminder. I can show you the reminder to help you remember what it is. This phrase is your last chance for account recovery if you lose access to both your primary and backup submitted emails. Create a security phrase here.

I will be unable to assist you in recovering your old account unless you have done all 3 of the above (while not forgetting your security phrase).

I hope that's clear and nobody loses access to their Reign Of Blood accounts again.


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