Reign Of Blood

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Love vampire games? Play Reign Of Blood. Reign Of Blood is voted one of the top text-based vampire games online. We're carbon neutral and free-to-play.

A British-made 🇬🇧 free online vampire roleplaying game founded in 2006.
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Play Vampire Games
Most Blood Sucked Today
VIP Vampire Princess PhD Vlad...3,170,281
VIP Vampire Armand de Anjou3,045,346
VIP Vampire Dreamweaver1,097,204
VIP Vampire Rez Voronoy 1,033,150
VIP Vampire Bloodflame Vykos ...959,790
VIP Vampire David_Bugsy897,410
VIP Vampire - : -746,488
VIP Vampire vhlad597,805
Most PvP Wins Today
VIP Vampire Bux695
VIP Vampire David_Bugsy661
VIP Vampire Erella Voronoy609
VIP Vampire Charlamane550
VIP Vampire Amia Wolfen533
VIP Vampire Bloodflame Vykos Nex531
VIP Vampire Lord_Neferiacron482
VIP Vampire Rez Voronoy 453
Game Screenshots
Vampire Screenshot1 Vampire Screenshot2 Vampire Screenshot3 Vampire Screenshot4
Recent Game Activity
Rank Up Pagan Warchild (695305) ranked up and is now rank 1623
Rank Up Armand de Anjou (299922) ranked up and is now rank 8646
Rank Up tarantula (746360) ranked up and is now rank 1124
New Player Jackie (750114) has just joined Reign Of Blood!
Rank Up Zombehian de Montcalm (749858) ranked up and is now rank 56
Rank Up Rez Voronoy (153767) ranked up and is now rank 3291
Rank Up Zombehian de Montcalm (749858) ranked up and is now rank 55
Rank Up Rez Voronoy (153767) ranked up and is now rank 3290
Rank Up Verena Sainte-Hokulani (745071) ranked up and is now rank 270
Coven Level Up The Savage Garden leveled up and is now level 18
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Game Highlights
66 Online Vampires
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Hundreds Of Quests
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Carbon Neutral Service
& So Much More!

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